Dear Married with Peeps Blog,
We need to stop meeting like this. You've taken a backseat to my other online haunts, namely Facebook & Twitter, but to no fault of your own. The reason, I think, is the sheer fact that by the time I post something on you, it's already old news. That's right – been there, done that. The world has already moved right on past that information and is yawning about the outdated material! Such is the difference between instant Twitter/FB updates vs blogging, I'm afraid. You understand.
Not to imply that I'm ditching you. Oh no – so not happening.
Instead, you should be happy to know that I'll continue posting here indefinitely because, if anything, blogging really does help me keep my head in the game of what is also known as LIFE. And being married with peeps requires a person to clearly focus on the bigger picture and, hopefully, find meaning in all of the running that goes on every. single. day. Plus, having a log to refer back to is pretty darn handy when trying to remember what we did and when we did it. Twitter and Facebook are not helpful in that way, unless you get a kick out of sifting through streams of mini-140 character sentences.
No thanks.
So how to close out this letter? Ok yes, let's continue meeting up here; I'll send you my updates, a visitor or two might stop in and comment, I'll have my log of events for future reference, everyone leaves a happy camper. Sound good? I knew you'd agree. Such a nice blog, you are. ((hug))
All Best,
Chief Peep from Orchestra Mom Chair
P.S. We're celebrating Thanksgiving at home this week! Isn't that great? Seems like we haven't done that in at least 3 years, so I'll be sure to send you more details about what happens. Be excited about this news. :)
i is in teh pile being ur branches.
Smokey, you are looking mighty festive!