Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Life and Times

Family Weekend just happened, but let's back up a bit.  Oldest Peep is now a COLLEGE Peep, hence the reason for our family's participation in the big-time event.  This was HUGE because not only was I unable to join in on Move-In Week last month, but I haven't even SEEN our College Chica since she trekked all of her stuff 6 hours from home!  So we dragged her brother with us to the college, then he decidedly took off to the driving range with his Grandpa who happens to live in the area.  Not a problem for Hubs and I who actually took part in Family Weekend by shopping for dorm stuff at Target and eating all the free food we could find on campus.  Granted, we did all join back up to attend mass at the beautiful on-campus chapel, but the weekend sure was better enjoyed without teenagery complaints from the bro.

Meanwhile, this little voice in the back of my head keeps murmuring, "You don't even LOOK old enough to be the parent of a college student, woman!"  Keep talking - I'm good with that.

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